Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG is a natural hormone produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy. hCG is used as an effective weight loss tool for both men and women. Our goal is to provide a way for our patients to lose the excess stored fat and to retain their muscle mass. To accomplish this result, we studied and incorporated the research of A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. His published papers demonstrated that injections of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone selects and mobilizes abnormal stored fat into the circulation where it becomes available for use as energy and appetite control. This ensures high loss from the areas of exogenous fat and prevents any loss of structural fat. hCG also restores any normal structural fat, which may be missing due to attempted dieting or poor eating habits, which also contributes to wrinkles and flabbiness. As normal fat is restored, it has the effect of making the face and neck, in particular, look younger and fresher. When dieting with hCG injections, you will lose fat you are storing and do not need. Therefore, you will not have the tendency to regain the weight you lose.
*The FDA has not approved hCG for weight loss.