Metabolic Enhancer Free

I have been informed and am fully aware that I can not take Metabolic Enhancer Free if I am taking any Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI's) for depression or anziety (for example: Eldepryl, Parnate, Nardil), or if I have any one of the following conditions.
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Psychosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Pregnant or Lactating

  • I have been informed and am fully aware that:
    1. I can not take Metabolic Enhancer Free on the same day as Metabolic Enhancer.

    2. I must inform Transformations Medical Weight Loss and the Physician if I have hypertension, heart disease, arrhythmias, prostatic hypertrophy, glaucoma, liver disease, renal disease, or diabetes.

    3. I will inform Transformations Medical Weight Loss and the Physician if I am now taking, or begin to take, appetite suppressants or cardiovascular medication.

    4. Caffeine intake is not recommended while consuming this product.

    5. If allergic symptoms and/or reactions develop, I am to discontinue use.

    6. I must be at least 18 years of age to take this product.

    7. Do not take products containing Ephedra or Ma Huang in conjunction with Metabolic Enhancer Free.

    I acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand all of the bove information. I assume sole responsibility and hold Transformations Medical Weight Loss, harmless for any, and/or all, reactions or side effects that may be experienced while taking the Metabolic Enhancer Free product.

    Metabolic Enhancer

    I have been informed and am fully aware that I can not take Metabolic Enhancer if I have any of the following conditions.
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Arrhythmias
  • Diabetes
  • Prostatic Hypertrophy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Psychosis
  • Thyroid Disease
  • Pregnant or Lactating
  • I have been informed and am fully aware that:
    1. I can not take Metabolic Enhancer on the same day as Metabolic Enhancer Free.

    2. I must inform Transformations and the Physician if I am now taking, or begin to take, asthma medications, appetite suppressing drugs, anti-depressants, or cardiovascular medication.

    3. Caffeine intake is not recommended while taking the Metabolic Enhancer product.

    4. I must be at least 18 years of age to take this product.

    5. If allergic symptoms and/or reactions develop, I am to discontinue use.

    6. This product contains Phenylalanine.

    7. Do not take products containing Ephedra or Ma Huang in conjunction with Metabolic Enhancer.

    8. Do not take Metabolic Enhancer if allergic to aspirin.

    I acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand all of the above information. I assume sole responsibility and hold Transformations International, Inc., harmless for any, and/or all, reactions or side effects that may be experienced while taking the Metabolic Enhancer product.