According to U.S. weight loss & diet trends 2016-2017, here's what customers want on a diet.

  • Encourage long-term healthy habits

  • Include a variety of foods

  • Within my food budget

  • Easy to understand and follow

Here's our response:

  • Encourage long-term healthy habits

    • Our program is tailored to meet the needs of the patient so a true lifestyle change is the ultimate goal.  We don't consider the concept of "dieting" to be a good choice long-term, but rather a consistent pattern of good food choices; something that comes only through learning about what foods to eat and when to eat them.  We know if we teach you how to do it, and hold you accountable through positive reinforcement and a little tough-love, it only takes a few weeks for you to develop the right eating habits.

Transformations Medical Weight Loss
  • Include a variety of foods

    • Here's the thing.  If you limit yourself to certain food groups, your body is ultimately being shorthanded in some way; this is not sustainable.  Our program utilizes all food groups so you don't feel like you have to miss out on anything you really like.  Couple this with the best medical tools and service in the industry and you've got a winning combination that leads to a healthier relationship with food. 

  • Within my food budget

    • Affordability is a key element when considering lifestyle change.  Can you really keep this up long-term if you have to spend hundreds of dollars on pre-packaged foods just to fit within the guidelines of some trendy diet?  Probably not--let the yo-yo cycle begin...  A program geared towards a healthy lifestyle change shouldn't break the bank and quite simply, ours doesn't.

  • Easy to understand and follow

    • Anyone can overcomplicate, but true genius simplifies.  For most patients, this is where our program really shines.  Our program works so well because of its simplicity.  We know your life is complicated enough, so we carefully designed each phase around you; thinking long-term sustainable health, no matter your background.  In fact, most patients are delighted by the fact that we took all the thinking out of the process.  Just follow the blueprint and the results you're looking for are eminent.  Understand that you are not alone on the journey, and we're here to help you stay motivated, or course correct if ever you stray off the path.  This is exactly why once you start with us, you're a lifetime member.
